
In Portugal

João Lynce, besides giving courses all over the country, also teaches at his facilities, where the JPL Stud Farm has its headquarters, and a space, with a dynamic team, that gathers the necessary conditions to receive students and clients’ horses.

This visit to Master João Lynce in Portugal is a once in a lifetime experience, not only in the equestrian field, but also cultural and gastronomic. You will have the opportunity to live the Master’s life from the inside, and feel the country. 

Mestre João Lynce’s facilities are in Santarém, a very old Portuguese city.

Santarém is the capital of Ribatejo, an agricultural region where horses and bulls are bred for bullfighting, so it is a region of the country with a lot of tradition. In this region we can also have contact with the production of wine and olive oil.

Those who enjoy this unique experience will have the Master as their guide, who will take them to live the Portuguese culture in its essence and not as mere tourists.

In addition to lessons on highly trained Lusitanian horses, or a horse-drawn carriage ride, you will be able to visit wine and olive oil producing companies, with tastings in the wineries and olive oil mills.

You will live unforgettable moments to the sound of traditional Portuguese music (Fado), tasting the country’s delicious gastronomy.

There will also be the opportunity to visit the Portuguese School of Equestrian Art, as well as the arena of Master Nuno de Oliveira. During bullfighting season, you will be able to have contact with this art.

There will also be the opportunity to visit bullfight breeders and the daily training of a bullfight rider.

Optionally, you can visit some historical cities as well as Lisbon, and there will also be the opportunity to go shopping, visiting shopping centers, etc.


For more than two decades, João Lynce has been teaching clinics abroad to riders interested in strengthening their skills and knowledge, and improving their riding.

These internships are taught at riding schools that João Lynce has partnerships with and where he spends some seasons throughout the year working with the interested riders.

The methodology implemented in each clinic is defined taking into account the students that participate in the training, being therefore quite diverse the clinic typology.

There are several countries where João Lynce goes regularly to promote the Portuguese equitation tradition and the Lusitano horse, namely: Germany, Austria, Brazil, China, Denmark, England, Italy, Mexico, Russia, Sweden, Switzerland and USA.

Those interested should contact us, we are open to new partnerships.